Gin & Juice, Mumbles Rooftop Private Terrace
Live music at Gin & Juice
  Chocolate Orange Black Forest Mojito? Say No More. Brilliant service from this bartender who was willing to try and recreate some cocktails we'd had in Spain.Also bonus points for the free chocolate!

Our other great destinations

Acquaint yourself with our coffee bar, rum bar, grill restaurant and tea house.

Coffee Barker

Eclectic, continental and comfortable. Inspired by New York City's West Village and the grand cafés of Paris.

Organic Coffee

Barker Tea House

Exquisite afternoon teas, splendid brunches, lunches & breakfasts. We cordially invite you, to relax.

Afternoon Tea?

The Grill

Stunning seafood, succulent steaks, cooked over coal and flame. Fine dining in Mumbles' beautiful Oyster Wharf.

Book The Grill

Rum & Fizz

The spirit of NYC is alive & well. You'll find speciality rums, Prosecco and Champagne.

To The Bar
Was with my wife and some friends in Bristol and we dropped in on the Bristol G&J! Love the concept, the decor and naming all the rock stars' photos on the ceiling!

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